WELCOME …… Glad you’re here to BREATHE!

Take a minute to inhale through your nose, slowly and with purpose. Then exhale, slowly and steadily.

If flourishing is a partnership between us and the future, then what are we actively choosing to be? BREATHE is where we’re exploring our relationships — intentionally supporting ourselves and each other into new ways of being.

These monthly group sessions are designed with Bright Ventures to be an energizing space to breathe, mourn, withness our radiance and expand beyond the limits we often place on ourselves. In a dynamic group format, we swap stories about what we’re learning and identify the invitations that life is placing in our path.

We need a vision of community that is relevant and future-facing. A vision that brings us closer to one another, allows us to be vulnerable and imperfect, to grieve and stumble, to be held accountable and loved deeply. We need models of success and leadership that fundamentally value love, care, and generosity of resources and spirit.”

— Mia Birdsong, Author of How We Show Up

Our Participants say...

  • "I love that BREATHE is accepting, uplifting, accessible, gentle, challenging, and a reminder of the good in this world. It means everything to me."

  • "BREATHE is an awesome space where people who look like me and are like minded can get together and just breathe and be. No judgment, no expectations. When we are able to fully breathe, we are then able to feed into others. This space allows us to get refilled so we can breathe into others while also breathing ourselves."

  • "The conversations were so real, it was as though we were in the same room and all knew each other."

  • “BREATHE is a magical space for me to unfold.”

  • “People should do this! It is good to talk about our feelings and the anonymous, virtual space makes it easy to state out loud and discover what is inside.”

  • "BREATHE has been a place of peace for me during the most stressful time of my life. Every session is unique and a place for healing and growth"

  • "This is a wonderful and supportive space."

Join our complimentary BREATHE practice sessions on the third Wednesday of each month to explore the many rich aspects of our approach to flourishing.

Meet the Space Curators

Look, and look again.

This world is not just a little thrill for the eyes.

It’s more than bones.

It’s more than the delicate wrist with its personal pulse.

It’s more than the beating of the single heart.

It’s praising.

It’s giving until the giving feels like receiving.

You have a life—just imagine that!

You have this day, and maybe another, and maybe still another.

—Mary Oliver, excerpt from To Begin With Sweet Grass